Secure. Logless. Reliable.
Experience simplistic file sharing with internuncio. Built for security, privacy, and reliability.
internuncio is a cutting-edge file sharing application designed with the utmost security in mind. Share a file with a one-time link on a specified port, with a security key. Once a file is downloaded, the port closes and the file is removed. No logs are kept. Can be ran on a local PC or a remote server.
After opening internuncio, navigate to the control panel with your web browser. For example,
It is normal for your web browser to warn that the connection is not private.
This is because the app is using a self-signed certificate. However, the
connection is in fact encrypted
and secured from sniffers. You can click
Advanced ⇾ Continue.
Local home networks will likely have to configure Port Forwarding on their home router.
Common router access:,,,